The goal of academic advising in the English Department is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans that are aligned with their individual career aspirations. In the English Department, academic advising is based on a system of shared responsibility between student and advisor. This entails a process of continuous improvement, clarification, and evaluation with the aim of furthering institutional advising goals with students' desired career and post graduate outcomes.
The English Department views the advising relationship as an on-going conversation that transcends course selection and attempts to assist students as they explore the breadth of a Liberal Arts curriculum, experience college life, focus on their English major or minor, and prepare for life after college.
In order to assist students in completing their career objectives through their educational goals, advisors will:
- help students explore and establish their life and career goals;
- teach students to develop an educational plan that is consistent with their goals;
- provide accurate information about institutional policies, procedures, resources, and programs;
- work with students in evaluation of their progress towards their degree;
- make referrals to resources within and out of the college as appropriate; and
- empower and encourage students to be self-directed learners.
As a partnership between student and advisor in the advising process, students are expected to:
- know and fulfill all university, college and major requirements for graduation;
- confer with an advisor on a regular basis about major and degree requirements;
- review the tracking (degree) audit each semester to ensure the student fully understands the remaining degree requirements;
- seek advisement when in academic difficulty (e.g., below a 2.0 GPA, doing poorly in a critical tracking course); and
- maintain their own personal academic records, including the catalog of their year of admission, transcripts, tracking (degree) audits, evaluation of transfer work, and notes from previous advising sessions.