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Dr. Ela Przybylo

Associate Professor
  • About
  • Education
  • Research


Dr. Ela Przybylo is Associate Professor in the Department of English and core faculty in the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Illinois State University. She is the author of Asexual Erotics: Intimate Readings of Compulsory Sexuality (Ohio State University Press, 2019) and editor of On the Politics of Ugliness (Palgrave, 2018). She has published or has forthcoming many articles and chapters in peer-reviewed journals and edited collections and is a special issue editor of several peer-reviewed journals including English Studies in Canada, Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology , and Feminist Formations. Ela is also a founding and managing editor of the peer-reviewed, open access, independent journal Feral Feminisms (

Current Courses

498.002Professional Practice: Internship In English

498.001Professional Practice: Internship In English Final Year

599.001Research And Dissertation

460.001Feminist Literary Theories

499.001Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

400.005Independent Study

591.003Practicum (Internship) In College Teaching

498.002Professional Practice: Internship In English

599.001Research And Dissertation

599.204Research And Dissertation

PhD Gender, Feminist and Women's Studies (2016)

York University

MA English and Film Studies and Women's and Gender Studies (2011)

University of Alberta

BA Women's and Gender Studies (2009)

University of Alberta

BFA Visual Communication Design (2007)

University of Alberta

Book, Chapter

Przybylo, E. Ageing asexually:. Sex and Diversity in Later Life. Policy Press (2021): 181-198.
Kurowicka, A., & Przybylo, E. Polish Asexualities: Catholic Religiosity and Asexual Online Activisms in Poland. LGBTQ+ Activism in Central and Eastern Europe. Springer International Publishing (2020): 289-311.
Przybylo, E., & Fahs, B. Empowered Bleeders and Cranky Menstruators: Menstrual Positivity and the “Liberated” Era of New Menstrual Product Advertisements. The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies. Springer Singapore (2020): 375-394.
Przybylo, E., & NOVOSELOVA, V. Blogging Affects and Other Inheritances of Feminist Consciousness-Raising. I Confess!. MQUP (2019): 83-106.
Przybylo, E., & Rodrigues, S. Introduction: On the Politics of Ugliness. On the Politics of Ugliness. Springer International Publishing (2018): 1-30.

Journal Article

2021. Przybylo, Ela. “Rainbow Mary and the Perceived Threat of LGBTQ+ Bodies in Poland.” For special issue of Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media on “Digital Selves: Embodiment and Co-Presence in New Media Cultures in Central Europe and Eurasia.” 107 – 130.
2022. Przybylo, Ela. “Ace and Aro Lesbian Art and Theory with Agnes Martin and Yayoi Kusama.” Journal of Lesbian Studies, issue on “Is lesbian identity obsolete?” 26.1: 89 – 112.
Przybylo, E., & Jacob. The Erotic Worldmaking of Asexual and Aromantic Zines. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking 8.1 (2021): 25.
Przybylo, E., & Gupta, K. Editorial Introduction: The Erotics of Asexualities and Nonsexualities: Intersectional Approaches. Feminist Formations 32.3 (2020): vii-xxi.
Przybylo, E. Fleshy Dykey Antimonogamy. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 25.3 (2019): 506-509.


Przybyło, Ela & Sparby, Derek M. (2023). Identifying an Ace Gaze through Memetic Screens on TikTok. Paper presented at Computers and Writing. Online.
Przybyło, Ela & Sparby, Derek M. (2022). Ace Gaze: Asexuality on Tiktok. Paper presented during the sponsored panel Reclaiming Asexualities from Within and Without at the National Women’s Studies Association 42nd Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
With Ela Przybylo. (Under development for Spring 2022). Zine-making Toward Social Change: Activism, Rhetoric, and Publishing Minoritarian Cultures
With Ela Przybylo. (February and March 2021). Podcasting Toward Social Change: Sound-Based Pedagogy and Scholarship During COVID-19. Speaker series featuring Joi Adams, Ada Jaarsma, and Hannah McGregor
With Ela Przybylo and Raven Preston. (December 2020). Antiracist Pedagogies Workshop. This workshop featured student specialists (Nina Hanee Jang, Chamelia Moore, and Eric Korankye) who gave antiracist pedagogical feedback to teachers in the English Department