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Dr. Julie Jung

STV Stevenson Hall 333B
Office Hours
Mondays 12:30-1:30pm in STV 333b and by appointment.
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

499.003Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

499.004Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

599.005Research And Dissertation

249.001Technical & Professional Writing I

249.003Technical & Professional Writing I

Teaching Interests & Areas

Contemporary Rhetorical Theories

Research Interests & Areas

Feminisms and Rhetorics, Disability Rhetorics, Feminist Rhetorical Science Studies, Posthumanist Rhetorics, Burkean rhetorical theory, rhetorics of math

Ph D Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English

University of Arizona

MA Composition

Washington State University

BA Mathematics

University of Dayton

Oustanding University Teacher--Level I

Illinois State University

Outstanding College Teacher Award—Humanities

Illinois State University

Outstanding College Researcher Award

Illinois State University

2005 W. Ross Winterowd Award for most outstanding book in composition theory (for Revisionary Rhetoric, Feminist Pedagogy, and Multigenre Texts)


Outstanding College Teacher Award

Illinois State University

University Research Initiative Award

Illinois State University

University Teaching Initiative Award

Illinois State University

Book, Authored

Jung, Julie. Revisionary Rhetoric, Feminist Pedagogy, and Multigenre Texts. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2005.

Book, Chapter

Jung, J. "Theorizing Service, Servicing Theory". Shane Borrowman, Stuart C. Brown, and Thomas P. Miller (EDs), Renewing Rhetoric's Relations to Composition. Routledge (2009): 168-81.
Jung, J. "Vulnerable Writers at Work". Andrew Stubbs (EDs), Rhetoric, Uncertainty, and the University as Text: How Students Construct the Academic Experience. Regina: U of Regina P (2007): 44-75.
Jung, J. "The Perfected Mother: Listening, Ethos, and Identification in Cases of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome". Patricia Bizzell (EDs), Rhetorical Agendas: Political, Ethical, Spiritual. Erlbaum (2005): 345-50.
Jung, J. "Raking in Circles". Nancy Buffington, Marvin Diogenes, and Clyde Moneyhun. (EDs), Living Languages: Contexts for Reading and Writing. Prentice-Hall (1997): 9-14.

Book, Edited

Jung, Julie, and Amanda K. Booher, eds. Feminist Rhetorical Science Studies: Human Bodies, Posthumanist Worlds. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2018.

Journal Article

Jung, Julie. “Interdependency as an Ethic for Accessible Intellectual Publics.” Engaging the Possibilities of Disability Studies. Ed. Allison Hitt and Bre Garrett. Spec. issue of Reflections: A Journal of Public Rhetoric, Civic Writing, and Service Learning 14.1 (2014): 101-20. Print.
Jung, Julie. “Systems Rhetoric: A Dynamic Coupling of Explanation and Description.” Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture 17 (2014): n pag. 7 Apr. 2014. Web.
Moeller, Marie, and Julie Jung. “Sites of Normalcy: Understanding Online Education as Prosthetic Technology.” Disability Studies Quarterly 34.4 (2104): n. pag. Web.
Mays, Chris, and Julie Jung. “Priming Terministic Inquiry: Toward a Methodology of Neurorhetoric.” Rhetoric Review 31.1 (2012): 41-59. Print.
Jung, Julie. “Reflective Writing’s Synecdochic Imperative: Process Descriptions Redescribed.” College English 73.6 (2011): 628-47. Print.


“Objects and Relations in Practices of Scholarly Peer Review”. Conference on College Composition and Communication. (2015)
“Complex Motives: Perspectives on Orientation via Burke and Ahmed”. Conference of the Kenneth Burke Society. (2014)
“Interdependency as an Ethic for Intellectual Work”. Conference on College Composition and Communication. (2014)
“Tactics for Disrupting Systems Science Theory: The Interventionary Rhetoric of Haraway and Hayles”. Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s) Conference. (2013)
“Feminist Disability Studies and Second-Order Systems Theory: Rethinking Agentic Capacity in Mentor-Mentee Relations”. Conference on College Composition and Communication. (2012)
“Identificatory Resonances: Disassembling the Birther Movement”. Rhetoric Society of America. (2012)
"Re-Presenting Good Teaching: The Rhetorical Effects of Conceptualizing ‘Good’ Teachers as ‘Passionate’ Teachers". Illinois State University Symposium on Teaching and Learning. (2011)
"Priming Terministic Inquiry: Toward a Neurorhetorical Theory and Methodology". Illinois State University Faculty Lecture Series. (2010)
“Reflection as Imperfect Understanding: A Tropological Analysis”. Conference on College Composition and Communication. (2010)
"Rhetoric and Composition’s Emotional Economy of Identification". The Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. (2010)