Dr. Katherine Ellison

- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
A first-generation college graduate, I earned my BA in English from Indiana University-Indianapolis and my MA and PhD from Emory University. I am committed to helping students become critical readers and listeners, able to navigate our new world with resilience and joyful gratitude for the powers of the literate mind. I am passionate about history and its relevance today. In my archival investigations of the 17th and 18th centuries, I have found generations of women and writers from populations we have been taught never wrote or did not have intellectual freedom. They did. Often, they were the dominant voices of their generation, later silenced by acts of erasure. Let's break from these false assumptions about the past and use our knowledge of language, narrative, and storytelling to make a better future together.
Current Courses
499.002Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
591.003Practicum (Internship) In College Teaching
599.010Research And Dissertation
Teaching Interests & Areas
Trauma Studies, Media and Technology Studies, 17th- and 18th-Century Literature and Culture, Publishing Studies, Women Writers, Digital Humanities, AI and the Humanities
Research Interests & Areas
I study theories of historical trauma and the impact of technological mediation on the expression of suffering, with focus on the 17th and 18th centuries through the early 20th century. Recently, my work has explored secret writing and ciphering. I also work in media theory, book history, the history of women's writing, feminist theories of archival research, and disability studies, with interest in the history of representation of intellectual disabilities.
Ph D 18th-Century Literature
MA 18th-Century Literature
BA English
Outstanding College Researcher Award
Outstanding College Teacher
University Research Initiative Award
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement, Pre-Tenure
Department Nominee for Outstanding Teacher Award
Sigma Tau Delta Faculty Appreciation Award
College of Arts and Sciences Service Initiative Award, College Nominee
Red Tassel Mortar Board Faculty Appreciation Award
University Teaching Initiative Award
English Education “Great Teaching Strategy” Award
Book, Authored
Katherine Ellison and Susan Kim, eds. A Material History of Medieval and Modern Ciphers: Cryptography and the History of Literacy. London and New York: Routledge, 2017.