Dr. Mary Jeanette Moran
Associate Professor

STV Stevenson Hall 422K
Office Hours
Fall 2020
12-2 Thursdays and by appointment: Use link https://illinoisstate.zoom.us/j/98180925513 to join at the office hour times or if we've scheduled an appointment. I'm also happy to schedule phone meetings if that's easier for you.
12-2 Thursdays and by appointment: Use link https://illinoisstate.zoom.us/j/98180925513 to join at the office hour times or if we've scheduled an appointment. I'm also happy to schedule phone meetings if that's easier for you.
Office Phone
- About
Current Courses
499.002Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
499.003Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
272.001Literature For Middle Grades
272.002Literature For Middle Grades
599.009Research And Dissertation
375.001Young Adult Literature
475.001Young Adult Literature