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Professor Rebecca Saunders

STV Stevenson Hall 421J
Office Hours
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  • Education


PLEASE SEE WEBSITE LINK above for Professor Saunders' c.v., publications and professional profile.

Current Courses

499.005Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

384.001Introduction To Cultural Theory

484.001Introduction To Cultural Theory

261.001Women's Literature In A Global Context

261.002Women's Literature In A Global Context

Research Interests & Areas

Literary and cultural theory; comparative literature; continental philosophy; late 19th and 20th century literatures of Europe and Africa, particularly of France, Greece, the Maghreb, and South Africa; theories of nationalism and globalization; (trans)gender and postcolonial studies; the concept of the foreign; trauma and modernity, transitional justice, human rights, animal studies.

Ph D Comparative Literature

University of Wisconsin-Madison

MA Comparative Literature

University of Wisconsin-Madison