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Dr. Tara Lyons

Associate Professor
STV Stevenson Hall 420b
Office Hours
Thursdays 3:15- 4pm
  • About
  • Education
  • Research


Ph.D. in English Literature in 2011 from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Current Courses

299Independent Honor Study

Teaching Interests & Areas

Renaissance Drama, Shakespeare, Early Modern Literature, Bibliography and Book History, Textual Studies, and Gender Studies

Research Interests & Areas

Her research interests include early modern drama, book history, and gender studies.

Ph D English

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

BA English and Rhetoric

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Book, Chapter

Lyons, T. Prayer Books and Illicit Female Desires on the Early Modern Stage. Gender Matters: Discourses of Violence and Gender in Early Modern Literature and the Arts. Ed. Mara Wade. Amsterdam: Rodopi Press (2013): 211-231.

Journal Article

Lyons, T. Serials, Spinoffs, and Histories: Selling ‘Shakespeare’ in Collection before the First Folio. Philological Quarterly 91.2 (2012): 185-220.


The Dangers of Commonplacing: Reading Seneca in the English Drama Collection. Society of Textual Studies. (2014)
Universal Short Title Catalogue Review. Shakespeare Association of America. (2014)
Collecting ‘Shakespeare’ before the Folio. Harvard Humanities Center’s Shakespeare Seminar Series. (2013)
Playing the Part: The Success of Serial Plays on the London Stage. Shakespeare Association of America. (2013)
Rewriting a History of the English Play Collection: Serials, Part-Plays, and Tamburlaine (1590). International Marlowe Conference. (2013)
Whereby she caught her shame: Norton’s Treatises, Mary Queen of Scots, and The Tragedy for Ferrex and Porrex (1570). Harvard Humanities Center’s Women and Culture in the Early Modern World Seminar Series. (2013)
Digging in DEEP: Teaching Shakespeare in Print with the Database of Early English Playbooks. Renaissance Society of America Conference. (2012)
Institutional Drama in Print: Remembering the Children of Paul’s. Shakespeare Association of America Conference. (2012)
Collaborative Authorship and the Shakespeare Myth. Assumption College. (2011)
The Pavier Quartos and Selling Shakespeare in Serial. Shakespeare Association of America Conference. (2011)

Grants & Contracts

"Shakespearience: A Day in the Life of the Bard". Alice and Fannie Fell Trust. Illinois State University. (2017)