Dr. William Thomas McBride

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Current Courses
124.001Film Style And Literature
124.001Film Style And Literature
124.004Film Style And Literature
Teaching Interests & Areas
Film Style. Drama. American, British, Global Literature. The Tanakh and New Testament, Ancient Literature
Research Interests & Areas
Hermeneutics, Hitchcock, Soundtracks, Sacred Texts, Cultural Theory of the Popular, Dracula
Ph D
Provost’s Innovation and Enhancement Grant
Book, Chapter
“Call It Magic Surgery: Possessing Members, Possessing Texts/Circumcision & Midrash.” Sacred Tropes: Tanakh, New Testament, and Qur’an as Literature and Culture. Biblical Interpretation Series 98. Ed. Roberta Sabbath. Brill Press 2009, pp. 245-55.
“Figura Preserves: History (in) Ajar." Maps and Mirrors: Topologies of Art and Politics. Ed. Steve Martinot. Northwestern University Press, 2001, pp. 8-15.
“What It Is! The Mothership Connection.” The UFO Show. University Galleries. 2000, pp. 38-71.
Curator, Normal Theater’s Spring Six Week Film School, “Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Style, ” Shadow of a Doubt 2/1, Notorious 2/8, Strangers on a Train 2/15, Vertigo 2/22, Psycho 3/1, The Birds 2/8. 2017
“Bogie & Bowie: The Quintessential Film Noir Anti-Hero & The Iconic Queer Pop Artist Hero.” “Wild Heroes: Media, Society, and the Need for Narrative” panel. The International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature and Media. Palmer House, Chicago, IL. July 7, 2016.
“Connecting the Dots 3 Years On Teaching an Online Film Course & Textbook,” Connecting the Dots for Effective Online Instruction panel, William Thomas McBride Chair. 2016 Teaching & Learning Symposium, Imagining the Future Reflecting on the Past. Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, Normal, Il, January 6, 2016.
“Why Stories Matter: Overcoming Oppression and Celebrating Diversity through Narrative,” panelist, Illinois State University’s Culturally Responsive Campus Community (CRCC) Conference, Uniting to Challenge Systems of Oppression, Old Main Room/Bone Student Center, October 25, 2016.
“`Who Told Thee That Thou Wast Naked?’ Troubling Nakedness and Knowing in the Tanak, New Testament, and the Qu’ran.” Sacred Aporia: Troubling Topics in Tanakh, New Testament, and Qur'an. American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. March 19, 2016.
Curator, Normal Theater’s Fall Six Week Film School, “Film Noirs: Visual Style & Fortune,” The Maltese Falcon 9/21, Double Indemnity 9/28, Murder My Sweet, 10/12 The Postman Always Rings Twice 10/26, Out of the Past 11/9, Chinatown 11/16. 2016