Illinois State University's English Department offers academic programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The faculty is committed to providing students with a comprehensive education in the field of English studies helping students in achieving your academic goals. Find out how we may assist you in enhancing your Illinois State University academic experience.
The English Department at ISU offers a vital and exciting Undergraduate Program. The Program is based on the English Studies model; students have the opportunity to concentrate in many areas, including composition, literature, rhetoric, language and publishing.
BA in English Studies
Take courses in up to eight disciplines of English Studies to build a flexible, adaptable interdisciplinary degree that will prepare you for a range of careers.
BA in English Teacher Education
Become an in-demand secondary English language arts teacher in our nationally recognized program focused on serving diverse learners.
BA in English - Creative Writing Focus
Join a celebrated program that encourages alternative and hybrid forms of writing and emphasizes the study of creative writing pedagogy and theory.
BA in English - Publishing Focus
Learn the skills, theories, and technologies necessary for a range of careers in the publishing industry or in the study of the history of publishing.
BA/BS in English – Technical Writing and Rhetorics Focus
Build the skills needed to effectively communicate information to a range of audiences as a professional technical writer.
BA in English – Literary and Cultural Studies Focus
Learn the advanced tools of literary studies, including archival research, textual interpretation, and analytical writing.
Complement your major! Our minor will help you better understand and use the fields of English Studies.
Teaching English To Speakers of Other Languages
Prepare for effective EFL/ESL teaching by learning about second language acquisition, the fields of linguistics, and more.
Students in the minor can specialize in Creative Writing, Technical Writing, or Rhetoric and Composition.
Illinois State University's graduate program includes an MA/MS in English, an MA in English Education, and a PhD in English Studies. Our MA and PhD allow students to study Children's Literature, Creative Writing, English Education, Linguistics, Literary and Cultural Studies, Rhetoric and Writing (including New Media Studies, Professional Writing and Rhetorics, Rhetoric and Composition, and Teaching Writing), and TESOL
Master’s in English
Gain multiple and interdisciplinary perspectives yet also specialize.
MA in English Education
Deepen your knowledge of socially just instruction.
PhD in English Studies
Employs interdisciplinary perspectives to explore language and culture's impact on communication.
Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Dedicated to graduate students aiming to teach English in other languages.
Financial Support
Learn how we can help support your academic experience.
View funding opportunities for Undergraduate Students
View funding opportunities for Graduate Students
Resources For You
First Year Writing Undergraduate Program
Get support on ENG 101 and ENG 145 courses by training instructors in teaching techniques.
Internships and Careers
A degree in English prepares students for various careers, discover your opportunities.
Second Bachelor's/Certification Only
A second Bachelor's degree in English Language Arts is beneficial for those with a BA or BS in other fields.
English Teacher Resources
Tools to help English education majors advance their careers.
Affiliated Journals
The English Department proudly supports a variety of journals.
Affiliated Publications and Presses
A departmental service that offers support for various literary publications and scholarly journals.